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Pinewood Derby

Below is a complete list of sources for the Pinewood derby supplies and  information on the Internet.  Many of these pinewood derby suppliers have been providing winning pinewood derby information and supplies for years.

Here's a brief description of each one of the major pinewood derby suppliers on the Internet:

  • DerbyChamp.Com – This is a Pinewood Derby store owned and operated by David Meade. David Meade literally wrote the book on pinewood derby.  His book, Winning Pinewood Derby Secrets is an official publication of the Boy Scouts of America and is a full color primer with plenty of information on how to build fast pinewood derby cars.  Meade is a very nice gentleman who has always been glad to to give pointers over the phone.  His family has been winning pinewood derby races for a long time. Winning Pinewood Derby Secrets is our favorite book on pine wood derby and it is also available at
  • Maximum-Velocity.Com – Maximum -Velocity offers some of the fastest pre-cut pinewood derby car kits available anywhere.  Offering winning pinewood derby car plans, speed tips, free pine wood derby newsletter, weight, and specialty supplies for new and experienced competitors.
  • PinewoodPro.Com - We really like some of Pinewood Pro's reasonable priced parts and accessories.  Pinewood Derby Car - design plans, polished speed axles, lathed wheels, free beginner and expert guides, pinewood derby car pictures and full line of speed products to make you the next winner.
  • More information coming soon.